
Join us and meet other writers!

In the leafy grounds and hibiscus shade of the Fremantle Arts Centre Café.

Flame Trees in the Courtyard

Take your time to feel the energy of leaf power.

Friendly Fauna

Oh good, a bunch of writers with food!

Always be on the lookout for strange characters

They will make an interesting plot.

Haiku for Joyce

concrete two-seater
come, come, all writers sit on
my hard art

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Novel Writing Retreats for Emerging Writers

Novel Writing Retreats

The novel writing retreat is a retreat property located in Taroona, Tasmania (just south of Hobart). Each retreat runs for 9 days/8 nights and accommodation (in your own room) and food are included in each retreat.

Writers arrive at the retreat property on Saturday for a flexible weekend of settling in and getting to know everyone; followed by a productive week of writing – supported by lessons, consultations and discussion; finished off with a flexible weekend.


Writers arrive throughout the day on Saturday to settle in and get to know one another, as well as the retreat facilitator and the published novelist attached to that particular retreat, and to make use of the resources at the retreat, socialise, explore the local area and relax.


Sunday involves a few sessions which are fun and get everyone into the practice of working with and discussing novel writing concepts.

The rest of the day is free time to work on your novel-in-progress, make use of the resources at the retreat, socialise, explore the local area and relax.

Monday, July 15, 2013

Flash Fiction Opportunity

Call for Submissions: FLASH FICTION!
An international anthology of very short stories, titled Flash Fiction International, to be published by W.W. Norton of New York, seeks stories from anywhere in the world. The editors are especially looking for Asia Pacific stories.

The stories should be under 750 words, in English translation or original English. Previously published work (within the last 10 years or so) is preferred, but new work will also be considered.

The co-editors are Christopher Merrill, director of the University of Iowa International Writing Program, James Thomas and Robert Shapard.

Submissions may be sent by email with attachment to Robert Shapard at his email . The submissions deadline is August 15. Submission limit is 3 stories.

Thursday, July 11, 2013

Lament: Poetry and Music at the Raft Gallery

OOTA writers are invited to Lament: Poetry and Music at the Raft Gallery.

Poets Featured are: Tineke Van der Eecken Kevin Gillam, Sandie Walker, Shane McCauley and MC Terry Farrell.

Sunday 21 July 2013, 3-6pm
Raft Gallery, 96 Bawden Street, Willagee
Tickets are $10 | $8 Concession (at door) : Drinks: BYO + Mulled wine, Bubbles and Cake $3ea. Open Mike: Limited + must fit theme. Info: Tineke Van der Eecken on  0423 767744 |

See full invitation at EVENTS under LAMENT INVITE and download.

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Short Story Prize for New and Emerging Writers

The 2013 Overland Victoria University Short Story Prize for New and Emerging Writers is now open. This year, for the first time, the competition is open to both Australian and New Zealand writers.
The competition aims to discover the finest in original short fiction by new writers across Australia and New Zealand – that is, writers who have not yet published a book with commercial distribution (see the prize guidelines for details). With a $6000 first prize and two runner-up prizes of $1000, the award is the most lucrative of its kind in both countries. All three winning stories will be published in Overland’s final issue of 2013.
The 2013 competition will be judged by Victoria University academic Enza Gandolfo, Overland editors Jeff Sparrow and Jacinda Woodhead, and Overland fiction editor Jennifer Mills.
Entry fees are $12 for subscribers and $18 for non-subscribers. The competition is free for Victoria University (Melbourne, Australia) students. For the duration of the competition, there is a special combined subscription and entry rate: for $55 writers can subscribe to Overland for one year and enter the competition at a reduced rate. Visit the Short Story Prize page for details.
The competition closes midnight, 31 August 2013. Winners will be announced in Overland 213, the final issue of the year.
Read the prize guidelines.

Monday, July 8, 2013

City of Rockingham Short Fiction Awards 2013

The 2013 City of Rockingham Short Fiction Awards are now open, with over $2000 in prizes to be won.

Authors can submit up to three stories. Entered stories must be inspired by, drawn upon, or use the theme of the artwork "Brothers" by Cherry Lee (1999), which can be found on the entry form. Individual stories cannot be entered in more than one category, and must be original, unpublished, not have received an award in another competition, and not be under consideration elsewhere from the time of entry in awards until the official announcement of winners.

To ensure anonymity, please do not put names or contact details on the manuscript. Entries are read ‘blind’ by the judge, and all entries must be accompanied by a completed and signed Entry Form. All manuscripts will be destroyed after the competition, so please do not send original copies. Include a business-sized stamped self-addressed envelope to receive a results sheet.

Entries must be type-written, double-spaced on one side only of A4-size white paper, with pages numbered, a wide left-hand margin, and story title on each page. Post in an A4 envelope to:

City of Rockingham Short Fiction Awards,
Community Development Officer, Culture and Arts
Community Capacity Building, City of Rockingham,
PO Box 2142, Rockingham DC WA 6967

Entry is Free, and winners will be notified by phone or mail prior to the official announcement. The judge’s decisions is final, and no correspondence will be entered into. Any attempt to lobby judges or City of Rockingham employees, or influence decisions, may result in disqualification.

Download entry here. 
If you have any questions, please contact me at or 9528 0386.

Friday, July 5, 2013

Overland Opportunity for Writers

Overland wants writers with ideas.
Whether you’re a budding polemicist, a cultural critic, a book nerd, or an activist with an idea for a campaign under an Abbott government, submit your work for publication online at Overland. They’re after debates, essays, analyses, perspectives and reviews that interrogate the cultural and political world in which we live.
They like pieces that begin dialogues and engage with current debates – and books and films and issues. They also appreciate pieces that challenge and provoke, as well as pieces that make us laugh. Furthermore, Overland is committed to paying writers: we pay online contributors $50 an article (and occasionally more for longer articles).
So if you’re a writer, new or established, and you’ve got a piece you think would work for us online or in print, visit our submissions page.
Finally, Overland depends on its subscribers. If you enjoy what you read at Overland, you can take out a year’s subscription for $60 ($45 conc.), which means we’ll continue to produce four issues a year, an online publication daily, and offer giveaways, prizes and events throughout the year.

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Whitmore Press Manuscript Prize 2013


Whitmore Press Manuscript Prize – closes August 16th

The Whitmore Press Manuscript Prize 2013 is now open for submissions.
The prize, for publication of a fine, limited edition poetry chapbook of work by the winning entrant, is open to all Australian poets – new, emerging and established.
Previous winners of the manuscript prize are Jamie King-Holden (2010), B.R. Dionysius and Jo Langdon (2011), and Lucy Todd (2012). Lucy Todd’s Listening to the Mopokes Go will be published in August 2013.
There are no restrictions in terms of subject matter or form. Entrants are encouraged to read the collections of previous winners to get an idea of the kinds of work that have achieved success to date.
The deadline is 16 August. Early submissions are encouraged.
Click here for guidelines and entry form.

Softblow Magazine

Founded by Singapore-based poet Cyril Wong, SOFTBLOW has been a home for contemporary poetry from all over the world since Sep. 2004. From Nov. 2009, we have had a new selection and editorial team comprising Eric Low, Gwee Li Sui and Jason Wee. We also have a page on Facebook for announcements about future updates.

T.S. Eliot once stated that "it must be the small and obscure papers and reviews, those which are hardly read by anyone but their own contributors, that will keep critical thought alive and encourage authors of individual talent." More than just another literary site featuring excellent work by such talents, SOFTBLOW also hopes to better focus the eye back on the poem. This journal does not pretend to exist for a general reading audience. It is for unswerving lovers of poetry who also appreciate how far poetry has come over time.

SOFTBLOW is ad free. We do not get paid for doing this. Poets will not be remunerated for having their works featured here. This journal is updated at the start of every month. All poets featured in the past are placed in our Archive.

Prose that defies categorising falls under poetry in our book and is more than welcome here at SOFTBLOW. To submit, simply paste 4-6 works with a short biography in the body of an email and send it to editor @ Copyrights revert to the authors upon publication. All work published is with their expressed consent.

The images for this site are courtesy of Tania De Rozario, a poet and visual artist who has exhibited and curated in Singapore, Amsterdam, and San Francisco.

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Tutors at FAC

Shane McCauley has wide experience in the teaching field, having taught previously at Edith Cowan University, at TAFE Midland, was joint editor of OOTA’s publication The Weighing of the Heart, and has taught poetry at the FAC for 7 years. He is an award-winning published poet with several collections, including The Chinese Feast, Deep Sea Diver, The Butterfly Man, Shadow Behind the Heart, Glassmaker & The Drunken Elk (both Sunline Press), and his latest is a chapbook from Studio called Ghost Catcher. Shane offers a wealth of knowledge, an expert on formalism and creates a learned, stimulating poetry class for beginners, emerging writers, as well as published poets.

Helen Hagemann commences the Prose Class at the Fremantle Arts Centre on Friday, 8th February. This year’s course is on "Worldwide Short Fiction". This series will inspire writers to learn the techniques of short story writing by looking at the best writers/ new writers of short fiction from all over the globe including Anton Chekhov, Edgar Allan Poe, Raymond Carver, Ernest Hemingway, Delmore Schwartz, William Faulkner, Gabriel García Márquez, Franz Kafka, John Shirley, David Malouf, Katharine Mansfield, Christina Stead, Charlotte Perkins Gilman, Geraldine Mills, and many more.
Helen is a prize-winning poet with poetry and prose published in major Australian literary journals. In 2004, she won an ASA poetry mentorship studying with NSW poet, Jean Kent. In 2008, she won a Varuna Longlines/ Poetry workshop in Katoomba, NSW. In association with the Australian Poetry Centre's New Poets Program her collection, Evangelyne & Other Poems, was published in 2009. She also has a new collection due for publication with Sunline Press in August, 2013. Helen teaches with the benefits of an MA in Creative Writing, writing short stories, prose poetry, and bringing a second novel to completion. Her classes are informative, fun and often filled with surprises.

Monday, July 1, 2013

Sleepers Publishing

The Sleepers Almanac No.9. As per previous editions, the Almanac is a brimming, pulsing clutchbag of short story goodies, along with one or two poems and illustrations. If you are a writer – emerging, emerged or barely even awake, hyper-caffeinated, uber-alert but utterly uncertain; whatever your ambition, whatever your position – now is the time to SUBMIT to the Sleepers Almanac. We love stories. We just love ‘em. It’s a thing we have – we like the way they creep up on you, the way they make your heart flutter, the way they get your gut churning, the way they change you or force you to stay the exact same way. It’s best to have read an Almanac before submitting because you will know more about what we like and what we’re trying to do with this whole Almanac thing. But in short, we’re looking for:
– Pieces, anywhere from a few words to 10,000
– No more than two pieces submitted per person, please (that’s right: 2 this year)
– Pieces from anywhere in Australia, the World, the Universe or the Galaxy
– You’ll need to fill in and attach the cover sheet. Check the requirements.
– Submissions close on August 4th, 2013 EST


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