
Sunday, June 2, 2013

Writing Novels in Australia

Call For Applications – Contributors For 2014
Would you like to be a Writing Novels in Australia main contributor for 2014?
If you are selected, this will involve submitting six articles of 500+ words each by September 15 and another six articles of 500+ words each by December 15, to go online one per month during 2014.
Contributors are unpaid, but being a contributor brings significant publicity value. Writing Novels in Australia has thousands of readers, at all levels of novel writing, reading and publishing throughout Australia (and beyond).
Applications are open until midnight Friday July 5 for the following kinds of novelists in Australia:
Aspiring novelists – People who are aiming to get a first novel professionally* published and have made significant progress toward making this happen.
Early-career novelists – People who have had one or two novels professionally published.
Established novelists – People who have had three or more novels professionally published.
*By “professionally” published I mean published by a major publisher or something at a similar level to being published by a major publisher. Self-published novelists are not excluded from consideration. However, many self-published titles fall below professional standards in areas such as concept, editing, formatting, cover design, distribution channels, marketing and publicity methods, and establishing a readership, so self-published novelists will have to convince me of your professionalism.
The mix of main contributors for 2014 will have at least several of each kind of novelist above.
Graphic novelists are also welcome to apply.
To apply, follow the two steps below and email to

For further information click here


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