What is OOTA?
OOTA - Out of the Asylum Writers’ Group is a supportive social and professional
network for emerging and established writers. We meet regularly at the
Fremantle Arts Centre, which once was an asylum, hence our name. Since
forming in 1996, OOTA have published anthologies of short fiction and
poetry, and run workshops and competitions.
How to join OOTA:
You can write to us at
ootawriters@gmail.comor download a membership form
What is Writing at the Centre?
Writing at the Centre is an independent writing class conducted each Friday at the Fremantle Arts Centre, Room 2, upstairs in the main building.
What You Can Expect at the Centre
Poetry and Prose Classes that are structured each week for your writing enjoyment.
THE POETRY Class concentrates on the form, enabling new or established poets to enhance their poetic writing skills, knowledge and technique.
THE PROSE Class generally looks at the short story form which enables writers to learn the basics
of style, narrative structure, characterization, plot, dialogue, exploring life experience, editing, etc. and how to employ these through writing exercises.
Our Teachers
Shane McCauley, (poetry) is an award-winning published poet with several collections, including
The Chinese Feast, Deep Sea Diver, The Butterfly Man, Shadow Behind the Heart,
Glassmaker and
The Drunken Elk (Sunline 2005/2010). He co-edited an anthology of WA poetry,
The Weighing of the Heart, also published by Sunline in 2007. He has taught English at Edith Cowan University, has received local and overseas Fellowships, and currently teaches at TAFE. Shane offers an informative & stimulating poetry class for beginners, emerging writers, as well as published poets.
Helen Hagemann (prose) is a published poet with poetry and prose published in major Australian literary journals. In 2004, she won an ASA poetry mentorship studying with NSW poet, Jean Kent. In 2008, she won a Varuna Longlines/ Poetry workshop in Katoomba, NSW. In association with the Australian Poetry Centre's New Poets Program her collection,
Evangelyne & Other Poems, was published in 2009. A second collection
of Arc & Shadow is forthcoming from Sunline Press in August 2013. Helen has an MA in Creative Writing, writes prose poetry, and is currently working on a second novel. Her classes are informative, fun and often filled with surprises.
Be inspired to write! Classes are for all ages, for beginners, as well as intermediate and published writers.
Fees per class are $20 (OOTA ) $25 (NON-OOTA)
Venue: Room 2, upstairs in the main arts building. 10.00am to midday. No Booking necessary!
Please Note: You are eligible for class concession fees if you join Out of the Asylum Writers Group
Contact: Helen Hagemann on mob: 0404 666 156 - email