
Join us and meet other writers!

In the leafy grounds and hibiscus shade of the Fremantle Arts Centre Café.

Flame Trees in the Courtyard

Take your time to feel the energy of leaf power.

Friendly Fauna

Oh good, a bunch of writers with food!

Always be on the lookout for strange characters

They will make an interesting plot.

Haiku for Joyce

concrete two-seater
come, come, all writers sit on
my hard art

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Manuscript Monday: An Opportunity to Pitch Your Book

Manuscript Monday is a new initiative which is part of Pan Macmillan Australia's manuscript submission process. If you’ve ever dreamed of getting published, and have a story you’d like to pitch, here’s your chance to have it read by a publisher. No more navigating the slush pile! Every Monday we will accept submissions between 10am and 4pm that are sent electronically and comply with the guidelines. Check it out here...

Friday, September 9, 2011

Launch of Roland Leach's New Poetry Collection

OOTA members are invited to the launch of My Father's Pigs by Roland Leach.
The collection will be launched by Professor Dennis Haskell, Chair of the Australia
Council Literature Board, On Friday, 23rd September 2011, 6pm Drama Foyer -
Presbyterian Ladies' College Please RSVP by Friday 9th September*
Phone Roland on 93833256 or Email

Thursday, September 1, 2011

An Opportunity for our Members

Do you need help with your writing? Often attending class or sending work off to various markets or competitions can be a daunting thing.

OUR MEMBER KATHRYN LEE is prepared to help. Kathryn would like your response, so no matter what the circumstance please send her a quick email or your thoughts on the idea of this supportive group.

OOTA writers sought for a regular Saturday writing group: Seeking OOTA members interested in forming a writing group to do a writing exercise together and provide one another with feedback on writing under development. If interested in joining the group, contact Kathryn at (note the underscore in the address!) or 0409 089 829. Further details to be determined pending expressions of interest.


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