
Join us and meet other writers!

In the leafy grounds and hibiscus shade of the Fremantle Arts Centre Café.

Flame Trees in the Courtyard

Take your time to feel the energy of leaf power.

Friendly Fauna

Oh good, a bunch of writers with food!

Always be on the lookout for strange characters

They will make an interesting plot.

Haiku for Joyce

concrete two-seater
come, come, all writers sit on
my hard art

Friday, August 26, 2011

OOTA Writers read at Spring Poetry Festival

2011 Sunline Press Poets Muster at The Bodhi Tree
Sunday August 28th, 1.30–3.00pm, features Andrew Burke, Vivienne Glance, Jennifer Kornberger, Roland Leach, Shane McCauley and Annamaria Weldon reading new and published poems, and introducing the latest Sunline Press Poet, Mags Webster reading from her new collection The Weather of Tongues. This event is part of the 2011 WA Poetry Festival. Sunday August 28th -1.30–3.00pm @ The Bodhi Tree Bookstore 416-418 Oxford Street Mt Hawthorn 6016 Tel: 9444 9884

The Fringe Gallery, Sunday 28th August. John Mateer, Michelle Cahill, Miriam Lo, John Daniel UK, Jane Spiro UK. The Fringe Gallery Willagee, 94 Bawdan Street Willagee (opposite Webber Reserve): 7.30 - 10 pm.

Poets Aloud, Monday 29th August. Janet Jackson and many others. Murray St, Mall

on Monday 29th August: SPRING POETRY FESTIVAL SPECIAL featuring national and international poets - Geoff Lemon, Michelle Cahill, Jennifer Compton, John Daniel and Zachary Cotler. Mc'd by our fabulous OOTA gals, Jo Clarke & Liana Christensen.

Check out the Spring Festival program here...

Tuesday, August 23, 2011


What a great day. Steve Finch is AMAZING! Our thanks go to the Fremantle Arts Centre for providing an excellent and professional venue. Big hugs to Susan O'Brien for her photography on the day. Thanks also to our OOTA gang who supplied the food! And to everyone who came along, read, mingled and --- did you join OOTA?

Thursday, August 11, 2011

OOTA invites members/writers to dotdotdash launch

OOTA is hosting a launch of the latest volume of dotdotdash #7 on Saturday, August 20th, 2pm in Room 15 of the Fremantle Arts Centre
dotdotdash is the new membership journal for OOTA members. As a part of your membership, you will receive 3 issues a year. Join us for a very special celebration on Saturday week, where you can meet the dotdotdash team and hear work from the August issue. Readers include: Clayton Lin, Kath Greville, Michael Collins, Pat Johnson, and OOTA members Josephine Clarke and Annamaria Weldon. Please RSVP to - Details on FACEBOOK

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Launch of The Weather of Tongues by Mags Webster

The Weather of Tongues by Mags Webster from H2 Design on Vimeo.

"Photographs by Meredi Ortega (OOTA) and Music by"

Caitlyn's Farewell


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